Map Current & Future 5P Canvas
Use this Canvas to capture a snapshot of how your PEOPLE are working and learning together to impact performance. Assess the CURRENT STATE and imagine the FUTURE STATE you plan to create.
LEARN | As each P is described, reflect on how each P is CURRENTLY enabling learning in your organization
Getting Started | Use this SYZYGY 5P Canvas to assess the CURRENT STATE of how learning is enabled in your organization
APPLY | Assess the CURRENT STATE of the 5Ps in your organization; be brutally honest to allow for new possibilities!
APPLY | Sketch the CURRENT STATE Canvas of how learning is being enabled in your organization
REVIEW | Attend the live session; exchange your insights on the CURRENT STATE of the 5Ps in your organization
Aim | Use this Syzygy 5P Canvas to imagine the FUTURE STATE
APPLY | Sketch the FUTURE STATE Canvas of how the 5Ps will be enabled in your organization
REVIEW | Attend the live session; share your vision for the FUTURE STATE of how the 5Ps will enable learning in your organization
Give us your feedback before you go...